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Singing for my Supper

390560_2556483065111_1045009225_2854676_33790507_nIt’s been a bit of a come-down week. The moon has turned and the ebb is about to flow again thank goodness. The Saturnalian revelries over the Xmas/New Years break are turning into “I must check my schedule and make a business plan” sentimentalities so Saturn has finally sobered up and is turning into the master player once again.

Yesterday I made a list of all the cover songs I can do with some justice. It’s quite an eclectic list if I do say so myself. Violent Femmes or Fleetwood Mac? Cyndi Lauper or Led Zep? What is your preference? Music has coloured so many phases in my life its hard to recount them all but somehow when I hear a song its like an immediate portal back to that era, nostalgia reigns and I realise how far I’ve come.

A few days ago I attended my company “shinnenkai” or “beginning of year work party”. I am a contract worker with one “World Family” here in Tokyo and I perform as a singer, entertainer and educator of the wondrous language that is English. It’s licensed to Disney and so its become very popular with the wide eyed animation-loving locals. The shinnenkai was great fun and once the official party was over a bunch of us crashed the local karaoke bar and went to town on some of our favourite songs. Since we are all employed to sing songs on the phones to kids we can all hold our own when it comes to belting out the numbers. Oh the upstaging! Oh the harmonies! Twas incredibly amusing and great to listen to the various stylings of my talented co-workers. I tried my hand at ACDC’s “Thunderstruck” and managed to have a voice the following day 🙂 Everyone was hugging as we all joined in for “More than Words” and “My Way” was just an upstaging, dramatic farce.

I’m looking forward to more singing this year and many more collaborations. Tokyo has been a treasure chest of musical opportunities for me. I feel very blessed.

Now, Saturn tells me I need to actually take out my guitar and start practicing.

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